"There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic. "

Anais Nin

Every day bits of life...

Here I am...A bit tired, disapointed by the results of French elections...but no choice, French people voted, we have to respect their vote...
Cortobeille left the French Alps, he's back to England...Birmingham airport Novotel...waiting for new adventures, new trainings...
I've finished washing, ironing dozens of clothes, white shirts , black trousers and socks...perfect waiter's clothes...My washing machine told me just the day before he left: Stop, I no longer work! So got to buy another one...
Sisters, do you realize how lucky we are to have washing machines...I found many details about their invention on the web, just click here...
we couldn't do without them...we could wash, but how could we thoroughly rinse sheets for instance...we have no rivers to go to...That reminds me something...I was about six or seven...I was buying bread at the bakery...a woman opened the door, she was pregnant, very pregnant, in French we say:"up to the teeth"...she was coming back from the river, her heavy wheel -barrow full of clean wet laundry...she just said: "Eh lady, can you phone the mid-wife , I'm ready, just got time to go back to the farm!!!" and she left, went home, and had her baby...that was about 54 years ago...yes, life was different...for us it's different...but in Africa, Afghan villages, Asia...in so many parts of the world it has not changed...
Do you know about Turkey? here it is...


Leslie Shelor said...

I often think how lucky I am to have a washing machine! I remember a time when my grandmother used one with a wringer!

Anonymous said...

I'm in my 30's but appreciate my washing machine. Also my central heating. I have only had these for the last few years!

Re Turkey-
I believe their attitude to women is just one more reason why Turkey should not be in the EU. I noticed that the site has a whole section on denying the Armenian Genocide, as well....

RUTH said...

We do take for granted so much that once would have been considered a luxury. I love my washing machine but do miss a mangle!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

That washing machine scares me. I think it scares Mummy too. She checks and double checks everything she puts in there, so that me and Dilly, or the woodmouse who lives under the kitchen floor.... so that none of us get put in by accident.... oooo I've gone all jittery.....brrr...