Twenty seven years and seven months ago I gave birth to my son...Today I saw that film...
Twenty seven years ago I was listening to that music while my baby was leaving my body, going towards an unknown world...today i want to share that music with you my women friends...song for the unknown man...a tiny little one with plenty dark hair...now a tall young man...listen to Vangelis, the music of Tom's birth...and go and see this film "the first cry"...go and join all these women rich and poor for glorious or terrible births...You have the link on the picture...
This is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes, the dolphin kissing the womans stomach, it knows the precious cargo..Labour they call it for a reason, but the miracle of life is one that can not be surpassed..sacred, personal moments touching everyone in different ways..Thankyou for this wonderful post Mousie xxxxx Auds
P.S Belated birthday wishes to Thomas and extra special ones for the beautiful lady who gave birth all those years ago xxx Auds
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